Friday, 27 November 2020

Submission and Surrender, Be Zero By Dr Muhammad Javed Ahmed (MAST MAST HEALERS)

Submission and Surrender, Be Zero

Baba ji asked me once, what do you think prostration is? I replied what we do on the prayer mat, that is prostration. He said no, think and then tell

i started contemplating and asked around but baba ji said ask Allah and then call me when you get the answer. Four days has passed, baba ji wasn't going to talk to me, until or unless i get the answer to it first.

I was sitting in the lounge staring at the door of Khana Kaaba and started saying Oh Allah let me know what the answer is its been 4 days i didn't talk to my baba ji.

then all of a sudden i don't know if i saw it with my open eyes or i fell asleep but i saw a man or a woman in white attire prostrating

And suddenly that person disappears and transforms into a peck of sand. Then another person comes, holds that sand in his fist and throws it in nearby water between the fields

then again fills his fist with sand and throw it on a rose flower, then again fills his fist and throws it on the trash and lastly he picks sand with both his hands and throw it in the air

The sand then disappears, and that prostrating man appears again, i called baba ji in excitement to tell him about this dream

Baba ji asked me now you know what actual prostration means? I said yes. Prostration means your inner submission and devotion to God, making yourself zero.

And till today im still not able to perform that prostration but i pray to Allah to grant me that submission to Him

I asked Dr Javed about this dream, he explained that the rose relates to Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)'s love

And trash is my own self and throwing the sand in air is the same as well. One time we were all sitting together

Baba ji told me to think that who do i love the most amongst my own siblings and shahid's siblings?

I said i love everyone, baba ji said no listen to your heart then answer . So i started thinking 

I thought about my brother haseeb, there was more love and less conflicts then i thought about my sister there were more conflicts 

Then i thought about my younger brother, there were more conflicts for him as he left my father alone

Felt the same for one of shahid's sister, for other sister there was love and very less aggression and for his brother, my heart was silent. 

For his sister in law, my heart was again neutral then i thought to myself what does this mean, i think i don't love anyone completely 

I told baba ji on phone, he said lets talk face to face. He said betay babay keep forgiving everyone, dont go against anyone. 

Then i said baba ji i thought I've forgiven everyone but my heart answered me this. That day i prayed alot, asked Allah to fill my heart with love for everyone. 

Now with Allah's mercy, the conflicts in my heart are gone. And Baba ji also said its not obligatory for you to meet and greet them all the time, just keep your heart clean for them. 

Thats how he used to teach us we have stayed with baba ji for 3 to 4 years and these are some of the experiences i remember 

Worshipping while standing on one leg for 3 hours is very easy but loving the humanity unconditionally and with total surrender is very difficult 

Baba ji has assigned this work to us now and he always said "no one gets to leave when the lesson has been learned" 

Once baba ji has explained that it is "die before dying" , how can i add something to it and shahida baji knows herself too but she was asking me about fourth fist of sand

In my knowledge when she stared at that Khana Kaaba door's picture she went into a ecstatic phase and a vision was shown to her

Baba ji told her briefly that it is surrendering yourself completely and in my knowledge basically we are just a peck of dirt and always running after this dirt

But inside of this dirt(body) there's a soul which

"Forgive others if you want to be forgiven." by Dr.Muhammad Javed Ahmed

"Forgive others if you want to be forgiven."

Rehman is the one who is dealing a cruel and a victim equally for a certain time, He's trying to protect pharoah, pardoning abu jahl and brothers of Hazrat Yousaf(a.s) who threw a kid inside the well but He didn't break anyone's legs

After 20-30 to 32 years He made them held responsible for it His love is more than the 70 mothers, so we have to surrender infront of Him and in terms of a gift if you can give Him

The forgiveness of His creation when you're trapped yourself like you're asking Him to forgive you then atleast do the same for His creation, forgive them. so you have to listen to Surah Rehman

You're asking for the cure or calling for an attribute of 'Rehmaniyat' (divinity) so be a spokesperson of that Surah Rehman, your act should be according to that

You thought about some people that you'll never forgive them, just forgive them and pray for them. Im not saying if a snake has stinged you when you gave it some milk, now you should go near it again

Its a snake it will sting again its his nature but yes, dont just keep sitting there to beat it or burn it in terms of taking revenge just pray for it

And keep moving, dont waste your time, pray for him for the sake of Allah and His messenger (PBUH), you took care of that snake, gave him milk, helped him in need, this was your virtue(zarf)

And when it got cured, it stung you thats his virtue(zarf), that's his duty and this is your duty so just pray for it with love for Allah's sake that its Allah's creation

Or he's one of Prophet(PBUH)'s people, who is naive, i might have done some stupidity too, Allah will make me free from that if i let him go free from this, do it like this

Total Surrender and Unconditional love By Dr Mohammad Javaid (MAST MAST HEALERS)

Total Surrender and Unconditional love

        This message which is been conveyed to you if any of you do it with all honesty then it has 100% results. Doubt is the enemy of truth. If they do total surrender. Yes some people don't get cure even after coming to me, Allah opens up the reasons to me where they made mistakes. 
    We just have to tell this to people. This is 'harf e awal' or 'noorani qitaab' and you convey its message to others. Im saying that forget. That if somebody does this dua with 100% honesty and doesn't listen to Surah Rehman but just connects on this frequency with saying Allah thrice, then it's not possible
That his life doesn't take a U turn. But we are not honest with ourselves . 
    Where HE is trying to bring us we don't come there so i tell this too. That not everyone will get cured from us because their department is different. Our group is always the smallest, always remember this But there will be many people gathered with personal interests like to get cured or a good marriage or to get a good job, to get money or votes etc
    Their wishes come true too but only 2 times, not more than that. The 3rd time he has to stand with God or he can try other methods to make it work. 

Doubts and Superstitions - Devil's Manipulations By Dr.Muhammad Javed Ahmed (MAST MAST HEALERS)

Thursday, 12 November 2020

A Healing Medicine Recommended by a Pakistani Doctor- Dr Muhammad Javed Ahmed. Experience yourself & Share with others.


As a consultant Physician and intensive care specialist in the field of medicine for the last more than 25 years , i highly recommend and offer this ULTIMATE REMEDY ( AlREHMAN - THE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ) to the whole ailing humanity of any cast creed ethnicity or religion. You just have to listen it thrice a day for 7 consecutive days with closed eyes. ( in case of children below 12 years only both parents have to listen and pray with water as per method ) . 

Its listening of untranslated recitation of surah AlRehman in the voice of late Egyptian Qari Abdul Basit Abdul Samad thrice a day for 7consecutive days, with closed eyes. 

You can download it from for free as well. Patients have to listen it by feeling this Quranic radiation falling like rain of light and noor on their heart . 

CLEAN YOUR HEARTS and Listen it with closed eyes, considering yourself in front of Your Majestic All Loving BENEVOLENT & MERCIFUL Almighty Allah. 

Before listening everyone keep half a glass of water besides you. Play it and close your eyes. CLEAN YOUR HEART by ... 

FORGIVING all creatures of THE CREATOR....( For the sake of Creator) , as Creator Loves its every creation ( even sinners) and want to save them from any wrath or suffering --- even more than our LOVING MOTHERS ! 

SO... FORGIVE AND PRAY BLESSINGS for all of your enemies or worst of the adversaries . 

NOW , remember your own big sins, AND .. SUBMIT & SURRENDER TO ALLAH IN REPENTANCE.

 just listen with the EARS OF YOUR HEART by FEELING this QURANIC RADIATION AT YOUR HEART. (it hardly takes 21 minutes). 

Once its finished, 

OPEN YOUR EYES , take half a glass of water and close your eyes again. 

Think you are in front of your CREATOR , and again clean your heart by forgiving and praying for blessings for EVEN YOUR ENEMIES OR WORST ADVERSARIES. 

and with utmost REPENTANCE and EXTREME PURE LOVE .. 

call thrice ALLAH ALLAH ALLAH 


After 7 days stop listening to surah. But continue drinking water thrice a day by same method of DUA ( ALLAH ALLAH ALLAH). 

Best wishes. It hardly takes 2 minutes of isolation and solitude with your Ever loving Majestic YET BENEVOLENT & MERCIFUL CREATOR ALLAH. 

Its an ultimate remedy and not a religious or faith based practice. Its a free UNCONDITIONAL LOVE from my baba g sayed makhdoom Safder Ali Bukhari r.a. for whole ailing humanity, irrespective to cast creed faith ethnicity or religion.

Best wishes.



Purpose of Life

 It seems we don’t care about our future generations . Or about the accountability we will have to face with regards to our own lives . If w...