Thursday 22 December 2016



آپ اس زمین و کائنات میں اللہ کے نائب ہیں ۔۔
تو آپ اللہ کے ترجمان ھوئے ۔۔
پس آپ اللہ کی ترجمانی کیسی کر رہے ہیں ؟
اپنے اردگرد اپنے گھر دفتر والوں سے کیا سلوک کرتے ہیں ؟
کھانے والے ہیں یا کھلانے والے ؟
لینے والے ہیں یا دینے والے ؟
مخلوق _خدا کیڑے مکوڑوں پودوں درختوں سے لے کر چاند سورج تک آپ کے خادم ہیں ۔۔ ہر وقت ہر دم ۔۔ تو بحیثیت بادشاہ یا آقا کے آپ ان خدام کو کیا اجرت دے رہے ہیں ؟
کبھی سورج کا شکریہ ادا کیا ؟ یا اسے پانی تک ہی کبھی پوچھا ؟
کیڑی کو بے دریغ پاوں تلے کچلنے سے قبل کبھی پوچھا آخر تو میرے گھر میں کیوں ھے میرے کس کام کی ھے ؟ میرا کیا فائدہ خاموشی سے کرتی رہتی ھے ؟ تو میں تیرا حق کیسے ادا کروں ؟
پر کتھوں ۔۔۔۔۔؟ اتنی فرصت کسے ؟
بے حس بادشاہ خود غلام ھے اپنی خواہشات کا



گھر گھر میلاد کروا دو ۔۔۔۔!
میری تایا زاد بڑی ہمشیرہ آپی فرزانہ کا پیغام انہی کی زبانی ۔۔۔
"" میں سخت زاتی گھریلو پریشانی میں حسب _ عادت وضو کر کے نماز کی تیاری کر رہی تھی کہ اوپر تلے دو تین رشتہ داروں کے فون آئے وہ سب اپنے مصائب پر پریشان تھے اسی دوران سامنے ٹی وی پر پہلے افغانستان میں بڑے بم دھماکے میں کافی جانی نقصان کا منظر دکھایا گیا اور پھر کشمیر کے زخمیوں اور شہداء کی چھروں کے زخموں سے بھری تصاویر اور خبریں شروع ھو گئیں ۔ فون پر سب کو تسلی اور نماز و صبر کی تلقین کر کے اپنے مصلے پر جا گری ۔ اپنی پریشانی سے زیادہ یہ سب زہن و دل کو دہلا رہا تھا ۔ دعا کرتے کرتے کہ اے مالک کریم کرم کردے کیوں گھر گھر بے سکونی ھو گئی ھے ۔ یہی ایک ہی سوال زبان پر تھا ۔۔ الہی کیوں گھر گھر بے سکونی کی اطلاع ھے ؟ الہی رحم کردے کرم کردے فضل کردے برکت سے نواز دے اور روتے روتے وہیں سجدے میں کہیں سو گئی ۔ کیا دیکھتی ھوں کہ بہت بڑے میدان میں ہزار ہا پریشان حال انسان بھاگے دوڑے پھرتے ہیں اور اللہ کو مدد کے لئے پکار رہے ہیں ۔۔ کہ ایک اونچی دبنگ ندا آئی ۔۔۔ انہیں کہو ۔۔
گھر گھر میلاد کروا دیں ۔ گھر گھر میلاد کروادو۔
گھر گھر میلاد کرواو۔
میں دہل کر اٹھ گئی۔ بہت دیر تک بدن لرزتا رہا پسینے میں شرابور درود پاک زبان سے جاری تھا ۔
صلی اللہ علیہ و الہ وسلم صلی اللہ علیہ و الہ وسلم
صلی اللہ علیہ و الہ وسلم صلی اللہ علیہ و الہ وسلم
صلی اللہ علیہ و الہ وسلم """
آپ سب اس پیغام پر عمل کرنے کی ہر ممکن کوشش کریں ۔ فرقہ واریت ترک کر کے ایک رسول ص کے اسوہ حسنہ کو اپنا لو ۔
عشق مصطفٰے ص وصف _ مصطفٰے ص ھو جانے کا نام ھے ۔

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Wednesday 18 May 2016

DUA....Video Regarding Therapy..In Urdu Version

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Pakistani Scientist- Dr M.Tariq Experienced The Ultimate Results FromThe Ultimate Therapy-Surah Alrehman Therapy

Dr. Muhammad Tariq- Shared his experience of Surah Alrehman Therapy-The Ultimate Therapy

First and last thing in my life. Following message I shared with all my colleagues wherever I went around the world. Be it FMI, Basel or ZMBH, Heidelberg or ETHZurich, my colleagues and friends will say "yes" Tariq used to share this. It is Pakistan or India or US, wherever I went I shared following message with all regardless of religion, faith, aethiest or a believer, in particular when I saw someone in pain because it is ultimate cure for incurable. I am neither pious individual nor a Saint but I experienced myself that it cures so I share it with all.....may be it lessens someone's pain.
Gentleman in photograph is Syed Safdar Ali Bukhari whose research it was all about. He was an ordinary man full of love for humanity and love love and just love is his best description. I met him hardly 10 hrs in my whole life and I still remember he simply said one thing....."its a matter of millisecond but you have to forget and forgive all". We met quite a few times spanning those 10 hours or so but talked very was mostly sermons at all, no lectures altogether but beautiful silence often broken by my very, very few questions. His answer was listen to Surah AlRahman.
I just listened to Surah AlRahman 7 straight days, just once everyday with close eyes with an attempt to forget and forgive all. Those 7 days of my life during my PhD in Basel, Switzerland were the 180 degree.....though I remained the same Tariq who was passionate about his work, a hard worker and a determined fighter like always but deep inside it did something. I have no idea even 14 years later but something definitely moved forever. Since I was away from Pakistan, no family or friends to influence and no one to talk to which was a blessing in disguise, so I shared it with all my colleagues abroad and saw cure of incurable states of diseases. I will always be grateful to all my friends and bosses in Switzerland and Germany who always patiently listened. No one ever pointed a finger at me. I have highest regard for each one of them.
My friends and colleagues here in Pakistan who has seen me after 2 decades are wondering what has happened and how a Senior Scientist and apparently Qualified individual can talk such "non-sense" and my answer to all is and will always be please try it yourself. You will remain same individual and there is no danger to your faith but you may get cure out of it. I can't see someone's pain. Try it yourself and forget about my non-sense.
One who wonder what that 180 degree is are also asked to experience yourself. No one will ever be able to explain that 180 my love and affection and out of my madness, I call gentleman in following photograph Shams of 21st century. I once asked him few questions which remained unanswered in my life about my relationship with my creator.....he replied so aptly...."Tariq baba answer will come from within, no one can answer your questions because all answers are within yourself". Like always I will simply suggest try it yourself. If you are in search of yourself listen to Surah AlRahman in Qari Basit's recitation and may be you experience that 180 degree yourself. It's your life, your quest and your's the journey within. Secret is who thinks like me that he is most sinful and full of filth will benefit the most.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Healing From Surah Alrehman Therapy- The Ultimate Therapy

Stress Management:
We refers to the ultimate therapy aimed at controlling a person's levels of stress, usually for the purpose of improving everyday functioning.
Reason of Stress & Diseases:
In this context, the term 'stress' refers only to a stress with significant negative consequences. Stress start from the acute form and end up with the very chronic condition. It always started from over thinking about past and future. When people think that they will change their conditions and try to control by themselves. They affected very seriously. Every disease start from the stress so we have to overcome this situation timely. According to the law of physics, everything vibrates the chair you’re sitting in, the food you eat, the rocks and trees. It’s being observed that body always effected when it out of his tone due to any stress, environmental factor etc.
Effectiveness of the Surah AL Rehman Therapy:
Negativity level always increases and leads to the depression. At that time we always referred to our patients the tested sound therapy which normalizes like the default setting of natural state and it works even at the cellular level of the body. The Surah AL Rehman Therapy- the Ultimate therapy.  As each word of this therapy has its own vibratory rate with the resonant frequency. We recommend this therapy in the voice of Qari Abdul Basit- who read this at specific frequency to stimulate healing process. We get 100% results from this therapy.

Consultant Doctors Recommendation For This Therapy:

In Pakistani Hospitals, Consultants, Surgeon and nurses recommending this therapy to their patients. This is applied and tested for every kind of patients either its physical, mental or spiritual diseases.
Procedure Of This Therapy:
            Listen Surah AL Rehman Therapy in the voice of Qari Abdul Basit (without translation) 3 times a day for 7 consecutive days with closed eyes. Every time after listening take a half glass of water, close eyes and say Allah in heart and drink the water in 3 sips.         

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Hepatitis B & C Cured By Listening Surah Alrehman Therapy- The Ultimate Therapy

Hepatitis B & C Cured By Listening Surah Alrehman Therapy- The Ultimate Therapy 

Mr. Haroon Experienced is as below, As Mr Haroon is working as a lawyer in High Court and faced the most difficult situation in his life, when there is no hope and he experienced this therapy and Got 100% result. Now he is doing his work with sound health by the grace of his lord. 

Hepatitis B&C,,,
The Ultimate Remedy..
When you have lost all hopes,no one is ready to accept door will remain always open to welcome you...just call Him, He will hug and own you without any excuse...
بلکل یہی صورتحال میری تهی جب خونی رشتہ داروں سے نفرت کی وجہ سے مجهے ہیپاٹائٹس بی اور سی ہو گیا تها جسے کالا اور پیلا یرقان بهی کہتے ہیں..دو بار انجیکشنز لگوانے کے باوجود بهی میں ٹهیک نہیں ہو پایا تو ڈاکٹر صاحب نے مجهے جواب دیتے ہوئے نئے علاج کی دریافت کا انتظار کرنے کا کہا...اس کے بعد بیماری کے ساته ساته مجهے نفسیاتی مسائل بهی شروع ہو گئے..
ایلو پیتهی سے پہلے ہومیو پیتهک اور حکیموں کی بهی دوائیاں میں کها چکا تها اور وہ بهی بے سود نکلیں...
پهر میں نے سوره رحمان قاری باسط مصری کی آواز میں آنکهیں بند کر کے،دل صاف کر کے، سب کو معاف کر کے اور اپنی غلطیوں پہ شرمندہ ہو کے سنی اورہر بار سننے کے بعد آدها گلاس پانی دوبارہ آنکهیں بند کر کے دل میں تین بار پیار سے اللہ اللہ اللہ کہہ کر پیتا رہا...
جس سے مجهے حیران کن نتائج ملے اور میں بالکل ٹهیک ہو گیا...جو کہ ڈاکٹرز کے مطابق نا ممکن تها ....
اب گزشته تین سالوں سے میں یہی تجربہ مختلف مسائل میں گهرے لوگوں پہ کر رہا ہوں اور لوگوں کے مسائل حل ہو رہے ہیں...
اس سے ایک بات مجهے پتہ چلی ہے کہ شفا منجانب اللہ ہے اور قرآن پاک شفا ہے..شفا اللہ کے حکم اور مرضی کا نام ہے..اور ہم جو بهی کرتوت کر کے اس کے سامنے چلے جائیں تو وہ ماں کی طرح ہمیں گلے لگا لیتا ہے بلکہ خود پکارتا ہے کہ میری طرف دیکهو تو سہی...

Alamdar Bokhari Experience Regarding The Surah Alrehman Therapy- The Ultimate Therapy For The Ultimate Results

Alamdar Bokhari Experience Regarding The Surah Alrehman 

Therapy- The Ultimate Therapy For The Ultimate Results

Some time ago I watched a tv program on Surah Rehman benefits and how Surah Rehman helps people healing diseases.
I thought it is worth mentioning on a forum like fb so that people can truly benefit from it.
The process is very simple, just listening Surah Rehman in Qari Abdul Basit voice (without translation) with full concentration.
Further searching on Youtube I found the same PTV program yesterday that was uploaded the search key words are:
“Al Rehman the ultimate remedy”:
this program comprises of 5 parts on youtube, the specialty of this program is that in this program the experiences of people using Surah Rehman to cure their diseases are mentioned, you will be astonished to see how even the medical reports prior to listening Surah Rehman and after have changed, even doctors present on the show are astonished to see the Miracles of Quran Majeed.
I humbly request to all of you any one who benefits from listening Surah Rehman do remember me in your prayers.
Best Regards -

Highly Recommended Therapy For All Stroke Patients & Neurological Disorders

Highly Recommended Therapy For All Stroke Patients & Neurological Disorders

A highly recommended therapy for all patients of stroke or other neurological disorders. .!
Patients should listen this Qaseeda Burda Shreef in this late Qari Khushi Muhammad voice three times a day for 15 days with closed eyes. While listening they just imagine that they are in the Masjid of Prophet Muhammad ( SAWW ) in Madina Munawara in front of Him. Always after listening open your eyes, take half a glass of water in your hand, close your eyes again and submit yourself in your heart, infront of Allah for His Blessings, clean your heart of all hatred envy revenge lust, pray for the well being of your worst of the worst enemies or foes from Allah by forgiving them from the core of your heart for the sake of Allah only, considering them poor illitrate creatures of Allah. Then with full repentance on your own sins (which are yet hidden from all, but known only to you and your Allah) call in your heart thrice. ... with utmost love. . ALLAH ALLAH ALLAH. . And then while keeping your eyes still close. . Drink that water in three sips. And then open your eyes.

Purpose of Life

 It seems we don’t care about our future generations . Or about the accountability we will have to face with regards to our own lives . If w...