Dr. Zainab is a qualified MBBS and M.Phil physiology. She
worked as a Medical officer in doctor’s hospital and pursues her career as senior
demonstrator in Lahore medical and dental college then promoted to Assistant
professor in Lahore medical and dental college and currently she is working
with central park medical college as a Assistant professor.
Before listening SURAT REHMAN I was lost, dissatisfied and
full of hatred and ego. I was not ready to forgive all the persons who hurt me
and my parents. I have many gods that where the people around me which I think
was controlling my life. I was living in fears and remain disoriented all the
time. If any person cries in front of me in pain I never feel his pain and
always think of myself first. Sometimes I feel that Allah is not there, and if
He is there than He is with all the persons that are against me. Allah doesn’t
love me and always give me pain from others. I always see myself as very pious
person and everyone else as very dirty. I thought all the time that what I am
is because of my efforts and not Allah. I use to recite Quran to fulfill my
dreams in front of Allah. I thought that only theory is necessary to pass the
exam in front of Allah, practical has no importance at all. Saying Allah I love
you SARKAR I love you was enough for me. It was for sure that I was searching for
something but what was I searching for remained a big question mark for me till
I listened SURAT REHMAN.
After many prayers I got from Allah 1st baby boy.
After delivery I went into severe depression, crying all the time so much
depressed that I want to suicide. Life
was useless to me. I was afraid all the time so much that it seems impossible
for me to stay at home alone. I started hating my own kid and don’t want to
touch him or feed him. I used to hate everybody around me. I was feeling myself
alone with no one left in the whole world to care for me. As a doctor I knew
that I am suffering from post partum psychosis and it’s a rare psychiatric
emergency. Due to extreme hatred I also suffered from skin cancer as well. Everybody said its black magic and you should
go for its cure as there is no definite treatment medically. I started
searching for persons who can cure me from this black magic. Then my friend
told me that if you want cure than listen SURAT REHMAN three times a day for 7
consecutive days with closed eyes. Every time after listening take half a glass
of water, close eyes and say ‘’ALLAH’’ thrice in heart and drink in 3 sips. Forgive
everybody from heart and love everybody unconditionally. After 7 days all my
depression suicidal thoughts and fears vanished. I felt myself so positive, as
I was newly born.
Change that occurred
in me after listening SURAT REHMAN:-
After I listened SURAT REHMAN my life changed entirely. I
was introduced to myself that who I am. Who is SARKAR’s ALLAH. ‘’ALLAH
HE HA’’. Everything that I have is
all because of ALLAH from ALLAH. I was introduced to Allah from a very
beautiful angle. Then I practically experienced that how extremely ALLAH loves
me. HE was always there for me. HE is on my side always. I was not mazloom but
zalim all the time. When I started loving and forgiving people Allah changed my
situation give me SAKOON, light, respect, money, babies, home, life and
everything. All my worries wash away when Allah makes me admit by heart that
there is no GOD but ALLAH. My all fears fly away after listening SURAT REHMAN.
This therapy makes me realize that everybody is beautiful and theoretical I LOVE YOU is not enough we have to show
practical I LOVE YOU TO ALLAH. When our every act is only, and purely for HIM.
Practicing SURAT
As working in a medical college I have a lot of interaction
with the medical students who are future doctors. They usually suffer from
anxiety, depression, psychosis, addiction, unknown fever and vomiting and
palpitations. I tell my every student SURAT REHMAN THERAPY and got 99.9%
results. These students than practice SURAT REHMAN in their families and lots
of patients with incurable diseases like AIDS, HEPATITIS C, Connective tissue
disorders, muscular dystrophies and cancer of every type. I felt it practically
as a therapy not only curing physical, mental, spiritual illness or black magic
but also building the character of a being.
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